Finding Value in a Cracked Pot
Do you feel you have lost all hope? That your life has no meaning or purpose? Are you feeling alone?
In Finding Value in a Cracked Pot Jan Henryson shares the journey she has lived though the miscarriage of a child she and her husband were told they would never have, stories of abuse, loss of self worth, having a child who is missing, to the wonderfully insightful and funny story about chocolate chip cookies. Jan explores what it is like to see the pieces of a broken life fit back together in ways that seems unimaginable. You will be challenged to explore the broken pieces in your life, to examine them, and to learn to see how they have helped you become the person you are today. This is the theme of God’s grace, hope and forgiveness that runs throughout the story.
We have been blessed with a piece of stained glass from a church near my husband’s home town. As you look at each little piece of glass, it is pretty but when you see the complete work put together by a master’s hand, it becomes an absolutely breath taking work of art. That is what God wants for each of us if we are only willing to let Him perform that work in us.
With gentleness and wisdom Jan will help you:
Find Hope in even the most difficult and trying times
Learn about Grace and its impact on you and on others
Accept the healing power of forgiveness
The broken pieces of your life can be changed and healed by the creator of the universe. It is not too late to learn how these three little words can change your life forever.